Friday, February 26, 2010

Happy Wednesday (Calling) (11/18/09)

Hey all,

some of you are pretty new to my wednesday emails, i pretty much added everyone here cause i figured u mite get something out of it. This email thing started w/ me wanting to encourage some struggling friends in the middle of the work/school week to hang in there and persist in God (with cute hamster videos). It's evolved over the months to become a mini devotional where i share whatever i've been learning recently (but still w/ cute hamster videos). It's been a great blessing to me as i recap (for myself) lessons learnt and i hope it's been eddifying to everyone. If you prefer not to receive these emails anymore pls do tell me, i promise i wont be hurt or upset =)

What i've been learning recently is that God's calling in our lives and ministry needs to take precedence over our own agendas and wisdom. I loosely define "calling" as God's will in all areas of our lives - so it doesn't apply only to stuff like career and ministry choices but to the mundane, like what to wear each day, as well. I briefly shared on this recently with the focus on the "risk taking" aspect, namely faith = trusting in a hand we can't see and to not constantly wait for clear signs to validate a desire in us to do something for God. Not to say signs are bad, but definitely to say that we can't freeze ourselves from doing good simply because we're not sure if God wants it or not - God always wants good.

The focus in this email is more on the "seek and obey" aspect. We're called as christians to put God's will above our own. This leads us to a two fold responsibility: the first is to seek out God's calling in our lives; the second is to obey His will once it's made known to us. The first is done through prayer (preferably not alone) and in simply knowing what God expects of us in every situation (immersion in word). As an example, I'm not saying we need to consult God for fashion guidelines every single morning, but we can choose clothes with a God centered attitude. The second is usually done through gut wrenching, painful humility (at least for me).

As a wise friend told me recently, it's easy to simply take care of a problem yourself, so much harder to ask for help. This is me. Not just in my serving/life in general, but my prayer life too. Encouragement this week - seek out God's calling in all our decisions and problems, give God a real presence in our lives as we turn to Him in all things. Afterall, it's inconsistent for us to claim to entrust our lives and souls to God if we can't even trust him to get us through the little troubles of each day.

"How gracious he will be when you cry for help! As soon as he hears, he will answer you. Although the Lord gives you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction, your teachers will be hidden no more; with your own eyes you will see them. Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, 'This is the way; walk in it.'" - Isaiah 30:19-21

Rock Climbing Hamsta! <3
(easily a V6 bouldering problem w/ toe hooking action, u go lil guy)

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