Friday, February 26, 2010

Happy Wednesday (Failure) (09/16/09)

Hey Guys,

Was reading through psalm 105 and 106 yesterday, side by side, and thought I mite share the thoughts I had going through this. Psalm 105 basically spoke of Israel's history from abraham to the exodus from egypt, psalm 106 spoke of israel's history from the exodus to (presumably) israel's defeat at the hands of the babylonians. 105 spoke of God's faithfulness, and 106 of israel's disobedience.

Wat i learnt these past few days from these two pieces of scripture is EXTREMELY cliche'esque, so my apologies for that. I think we hear so often about how we shouldn't laugh or shake our heads at israelite's unfaithfulness, or the disciple's spiritual blindness, or the chief priests' hardness of hearts - because we do the EXACT same things. You're about to hear those words again...=)

Only this time, instead of internally rolling our eyes and saying "yeah yeah, i get it..we bad," take some time today to really really reflect on how often we wrong God by our thoughts, words, and actions - and how far our attitude is from the humble gratitude the cross should inspired in us daily. Looking at the list of grievances God had against israel in 106 i can safely assure you that i have personally also:

1- forgotten God's many kindnesses (v7, 13)
2- grown envious of others (v16)
3- worshipped idols (v19)
4- forgotten that it is God who saves - not edward (v21)
5- despised the blessings He gave me and refused to believe in His promises (v24)
6- complained against God and repeatedly disobey Him (v25)
7- attached myself to habits i know are bad for me (v28)
8- failed to complete tasks that God has given me (v34)
9- followed the patterns of this world (v35)
10- refused to learn from past mistakes (v43)

My encouragement for us all this wednesday: to contemplate the many ways we offend our God, to repent, and to turn from our wicked ways. 106 was wonderfully encouraging in how it ends with God's mercy and grace inspite of all that israel (and us) have done against him. It's the same for us too if we'd only turn to Him.

have a happy wednesday! (week is HALF over!)


vid clip is from sandy, poor puppy has fallen...and can't get up! T_T

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