Friday, February 26, 2010

Happy Wednesday (06/24/09)

Happy wednesday everyone =)

so i finally made it to first kings! the book opens up w/ solomon building up the temple of the lord. This is an old lesson but one that always need constant reminder, notice that solomon built the temple of the lord before he begun to build his own palace. I think this story pretty much speaks for itself in terms of what our priorities should be.

If i may though, I'd like to go one step further and share with you all something that I learnt from a sermon i heard a while back. In philippians 1:21 paul said that for him "to live is Christ and to die is gain." I'm certain that english majors (and i know we have at least one on this list) would be the first to agree with me that this sentence is grammatically incorrect, It's missing a gerund/verb. It should be "to live is worshipping christ" or "to live is to love christ," instead paul leaves it as it is, as if Christ should be all encompassing in our lives. Rick Holland explains this grammatical faux pas by saying that for us christians, God should NOT be the #1 priority in our lives - let me finish =). No, instead, God should be #1 and #2 and #3.....all the way down to #312342 and beyond. It means that we do not place God first and then assume the rest of our lives can be lived isolated from God's influence and love. It means we dont simply pray before a test, but during and after. It means we can't assume that after the sunday, after the preaching, after the worshipping, after the serving, we can go into our days to play and work apart from Him.

God should permeate everything we do and not exist as merely item number 1 on some priority list - as if we chould simply check Him off and move onto other things.

Hope this encourages everyone to put things into new perspective, have a great rest of the week!



haha, some of you probably seen this already but it never gets old! here is slow loris being tickled, I like how she looks down when the tickling stops and then into the camera as if to demand "more!" she looked so sad!

thx for sharing this sandy! (also, credit where credit's due, kelsey's passed me several of the hamster vids i've shared in the past ^.^)

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